Best Practices for innovation Award 2014

Premio Best Practices


Innovation in Sciences&Tecnologies – ISTECH: APAS – Air Pollution Abatement System – purification of the air ambient from air pollution through the implementation of distributed clusters of pollutant absorbers (APA)

The project is focused on the air purification at the ground level (ambient air) from particulate matter and other pollutants harmful to the environment and human health, operating by a distributed network of air cleaners named APA (Air Pollution Abatement), basically intelligent platforms multi – functions and multi – shapes working in all areas characterized by high concentrations of pollutants.

APA platform operates in industrial, working and production sites that generate pollution and use many pollutants and in all polluted urban areas due to traffic, job activities, energy consumptions and heating (confined and partially confined areas, railway and underground stations, pedestrian tunnels, underground parkings, malls and fairs, exibition halls, airport and port areas, working sites and so on).

APA technology also enables to multimedia and multidisciplinary services for benefit to environment and population, mainly in relation to the initiatives connected to smart cities and smart digital innovation areas.

It operates on pollutants that generate irreversible damage to environment and human health, applying an innovative distributed strategy focused on the pollution abatement in each space which we need, how we need, when we need.

The Project follows strategic guide lines of “social innovation “, as recognized by Law 179/2012 (Start – up Italian Law), enabling the implementation of sustainable development processes and the achievement of a strong improvement of quality of life.


What is the Best Practices for Innovation Award

The best practices for innovation award wants to promote the convenience, for the public and private market, of the innovative processes, and wants to do it using the storytelling procedure.
The initiative starts in 2006 in Confindustria Salerno with the aim of telling real cases of innovation and describing the results for the beneficiaries, thus promoting their spread to the largest possible public and stimulating the knowledge between companies.


Foto premiazione Carlo Mirone


Interview to Carlo Mirone, Sales Manager of ISTECH video

Programm of the Best Practices for Innovation 2014 Award pdf

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